The Tags option can be used when you are preparing a notebook to be scheduled or remotely executed. You can change the cell toolbar options by clicking View > Cell Toolbar. Only one option can be on at a time, but any information you add to the toolbar remains even when switched off. When any of these options are on, a bar appears above each cell in the notebook. Tags-Create and manage tags for each cell within the notebook workspace.
Attachments-Manage the associated attachments within each cell in the notebook workspace. Slideshow-Specify how each cell will display in a slide show. Raw Cell Format-Raw cells allow you to write output directly the content of these cells is not evaluated by the notebook. Edit Metadata-Enter metadata for each cell using JSON. You can include additional information about individual cells in a notebook using the options in the cell toolbar: You can create a new cell by pressing Shift+Enter, or by clicking Insert on the menu ribbon, which gives you the option to insert a new cell above or below your current cell. See the Use functions in a cell section below to learn more. To run a Python function, provide the function's syntax and any arguments required or accepted by the function. When authoring notebooks, use full paths to directories and files in the workspace directory.įor example, use /arcgis/home/test.gdb instead of home/test.gdb. Raw NBConvert-The notebook will not process content in a Raw NBConvert cell. You can also add raw HTML code to Markdown cells. Any lines that start with one or multiple number signs ( #) will be formatted as headings. Running a Markdown cell will turn its content into rich text. See the Markdown Guide online for a reference to using Markdown. This is a simple language for formatting rich text, used across the internet by clients such as GitHub. Markdown-The notebook will interpret all content in a Markdown cell in the Markdown language.
Any line of code that starts with a number sign ( #) will be interpreted as a comment, colored green and italicized, and will not be executed as code by the notebook. When writing Python code, typing certain strings, such as from or the equal sign ( =), will prompt the notebook to automatically recolor or highlight them for clarity. Code-The notebook will interpret all content in a code cell in the Python language.The following are the three available types: When you have selected a cell with your pointer, you can change the cell's type using the drop-down list on the toolbar.
There are three types of cells you can use in a notebook. This topic walks through the basic commands and aspects of working in Notebooks, including shortcuts and best practices. ArcGIS Notebooks runs a Jupyter notebook environment, which provides a streamlined cell-based workspace.