Maybe you are ready for your small group to move beyond the latest world news and into the heart of the Faith.

Maybe you have a lot of questions about how a Truth so veiled can have concrete influence in your daily life. Maybe you already deeply love the Eucharist and sense the Holy Spirit beckoning you deeper into the Mystery. Maybe you feel behind in your understanding or frustrated that this piece has been missing from your life. If you’re like me, you did not quite grasp the importance and centrality of the Eucharist in our Catholic Faith until your adulthood. This is the kind of personal relationship I want with Our Blessed Lord, and our relationship is lived and sustained by the Sacraments. There is something about being physically present to Him that draws me out of myself, my discouragement, my will, and my doubt and instead draws me to the Truth of His everlasting love. Some of my most honest prayer happens before Jesus in the Eucharist: during Mass, while the Eucharist is exposed on the altar, or when I’m before the tabernacle, waiting in line for Confession. The Sacraments Helps Us Live a Personal Relationship with Jesus I heard my friend’s sigh echo mine, and I knew we were both filled with the kind of peace that only comes when arriving home.

So we scoured town to find a parish with open doors and, blessed, His Eucharistic presence in the tabernacle. In the midst of the shut downs, our usual Holy Hours were cancelled, and we were left feeling a little lost. My friend’s evening text put words to the longing on my own heart.