To avoid this, we should synchronize access to the counter variable. This is what we call a race condition in multithreading. collect (Collectors.toMap ( Function.identity (), v -> equency (list, v)) ) I think it is not as nice as the.
MapWhat happens here is both threads are accessing the counter variable at the same time, and both are updating its value. Make a list of all the distinct values, and for each of them, count their occurrences using the equency method. In here thread 1 and thread 2 both are printing the same value. The following is a part of the output generated by the above program. What would go wrong with this implementation? There are two completely different things you should ask here: a) how do I place multiple lines of code in stream.forEach() b) what should I do to count the number of lines in a Stream The question b) is answered already by other posters on the other hand, the general question a) has a quite different answer.

There’s no control over the access to counter variable. Enter letter a-z or number 0-9 into 'Shortcut' field. Click 'Create another counter' button to add another independently operated tally counter. Click 'R' button to reset counter back to start count. To increment click '+' button, decrement click '-' button. This has a thread pool where each thread is trying to access the counter and increase it. Counter display order 1Name 2Count 3Plus 4Minus. Let’s assume I don’t know any synchronization methods in Java, then this is how I would implement a multithreaded counter.

The bandwidth test stream already saturates. Let’s see how we can implement a synchronized counter in Java (For simplicity, we’re implementing a counter which only increments the value, but there’re situations to implement counters with both increment and decrement features). A different example is the CPU utilization for memory throughput-intensive workloads on multi-core systems. In terms of multithreaded programming Java provides many ways to implement synchronization. You may need to implement a synchronized counter in day to day programming tasks, and this is a common interview question in multithreaded programming. A synchronized counter is a counter which can be updated using several threads.