Rule of rose love suicide
Rule of rose love suicide

rule of rose love suicide

Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Meg, Eleanor and Diana, the three highest-ranking Red Crayon Aristocrats, respectively.The blog itself is gone, but its YouTube channel remains. Blog: While many fandoms have an online place where they discuss the work in question, Rule of Rose Mysteries takes it to a completely different level, deconstructing the game, analyzing the characters, and piecing together the story.Asskicking Equals Authority: One interpretation of why the aristocrats make Jennifer the new princess after she slaps down Wendy.Armor-Piercing Slap: This game's Crowning Moment of Awesome comes in the form of a young Jennifer slapping Wendy to the ground.Diana, Meg, and Eleanor are titled respectively as the Duchess, Baroness, and Countess. Aristocrats Are Evil: The Red Crayon Aristocrats are the game's primary antagonists.Arc Words: Gathered slowly through three chapters: Everlasting / True love / I am yours.Different characters also have animal associations: Diana is a fish, Meg is a goat, Eleanor is a bird, Amanda is a pig, etc.Animal Motifs: Many chapters have one, and they reflect on the enemies there are rabbit imps, bird imps, goat imps, rat imps, fish imps and pig imps.

rule of rose love suicide

Each costume also comes with a built-in one-hit super-weapon. Brown also gets a costume change for some of them. And Your Reward Is Clothes: If you unlock the Four-Leaf Clover door, you get to dress Jennifer up in a variety of outfits, such as a French maid or an octopus.This is also said of Thomas' obsession with trains, and of his making his toy train's route an eternal loop without a final destination, for - according to Jennifer - reaching the end of the line "would've broken his heart." Some of the other girls' behaviors certainly seem to point at various mental illnesses: Diana may be a narcissist (or possibly a borderliner) Clara has very obvious PTSD and Wendy is a textbook sociopath. Ambiguous Disorder: Some fans have taken to interpreting Eleanor's extreme introversion and stoicism, combined with her overwhelming obsession with birds and odd rationale thereof (wanting to "sprout wings and fly away") as indicative of an autism spectrum disorder.All of the Other Reindeer: Everyone's so mean to Jennifer, even the adults.This game provides examples of the following tropes: This game is best experienced without prior knowledge of its plotline. Oddly enough, not the rule that requires all shoujo anime to have a plethora of roses about. Combat tends to occur as the events in a chapter come to a climax enemies will often appear seemingly from nowhere, allowing Jennifer to use a variety of improvised weapons, such as a kitchen knife, an ice pick, or a hatchet. Other items, such as marbles and ribbons, have no immediate use, but may be traded with the Aristocrats. All plot-important items and most health restoring items (instead of potions, various treats and chocolate are used) must be found in this way. Gameplay consists mostly of finding items with Brown's help, giving him an inventory item to sniff, then letting him guide Jennifer through the environment to whatever it is he's found.

rule of rose love suicide

Each chapter of the game is introduced with a storybook that loosely describes what the chapter is about and which of the characters it focuses on. During each chapter, Jennifer has to honor a demand from the Red Crayon Aristocrats on pain of death, and in the process, she pieces together clues and recalls forgotten memories about her role in the Red Crayons' world. Her only solace is Brown, her partner and best friend. The plot revolves around a nineteen-year-old unlucky girl named Jennifer, who becomes trapped in a world run by young children who have established a rigid and cruel class hierarchy called the Red Crayon Aristocrats.

Rule of rose love suicide